Karmapa Thaye Dorje Aktivitäten

« We have to really rejoice and appreciate that due to our merit, due to our own sweat, due to our own strength and courage from our past lives, we have all these opportunities here now. We also have to appreciate the timeless aspirations made by all the Buddhas, all the Bodhisattvas of the past, as well as the present, because it is really due to their wishes, due to their aspirations that our efforts have a result. So these two wonderful conditions have come together. This is our result, this is why all of us are here. »

Dezember 2024

Kurs mit Meditation vom 01. Dezember bis 10. Dezember 2024

Details betreffend der Registration werden bald folgen. Kontakt für alle weiteren Informationen:  public.courses@kibi-edu.org oder kibioffice1990@gmail.com

März 2025

Öffentlicher Kurs vom 09. März bis 17. März 2025

Details betreffend der Registration werden bald folgen. Kontakt für alle weiteren Informationen:  public.courses@kibi-edu.org oder kibioffice1990@gmail.com