Welcome to Dhagpo Switzerland

« Peace comes through compassion and wisdom. Simply by generating compassion and wisdom for others, we can bring great peace to ourselves and thus to all those around us.»

– 17. Karmapa Thaye Dorje

A network of drops in the ocean

Dhagpo Switzerland is an association founded on 14 November 2021. It sees itself as a network of Dharma practitioners with supportive connections to other Dharma related organisations and centres.

«Dhagpo» is a Tibetan name referring to a region in southern Tibet where one of the founding fathers of the Kagyu lineage, Gampopa (1079-1153), originated. The Kagyu lineage is one of the four great main lineages of Tibetan Buddhism.

For more information: www.karmapa.org

Jigme Rinpoche is currently the representative of the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Thaye Dorje in Europe and an honorary member of the association. Dhagpo Switzerland is under his spiritual guidance.

For more information: https://jigmerinpoche.org


Would you like to be informed about our activities? Sign up for the Dhagpo Switzerland newsletter info@dhagpo-switzerland.ch


A warm welcome! We would be honoured if you would like to be a member of the Dhagpo Switzerland. You are welcome to express your interest in becoming a member by sending an e-mail to info@dhagpo-switzerland.ch

Type of support:

Active member with voting rights: CHF 50 or more
Sponsor member without voting rights: amount chosen by the member himself/herself
Benefactor with voting rights: CHF 150 or more

Bank account details:

Dhagpo Switzerland Postfinance
Account No. CH74 0900 0000 1583 6295 4