Meditation Group Zurich

This meditation group was initiated by Fabienne Brigger, a long-time disciple of Lama Irene, in the rooms of the “Praxis für Psychische Gesundheit” in May 2023. In September 2023, Nedo Rinpoche blessed these rooms together with his monks, Tsultim Namdak (Shengzhen) and Lama Irene.
“Practise diligently so that the essence of the lodjong mind training of compassion and wisdom can teake root in the depth of your mind.”
– Shamar Rinpoche–
Bodhi Path and Dhagpo Zurich invite you to the weekend course 11 / 12 January 2025:

Acharya Kalsang Phuntsok was born in 1983 in Sikkim, India, and received his education at the Diwakar Academy in Kalimpong, which is also supported by Shamar Rinpoche’s charity organisation ‘Infinite Compassion’. With his visit we can welcome a scholar (Acharya/Junior-Khenpo) and benefit from his profound education.
The Four Noble Truths with Acharya Kalsang Phuntsok
The four noble truths are part of the Buddha’s first teachings and also represent the essential essence of his teachings. Buddha encouraged his disciples to use these four themes to explore their own lives and to question discontent, stress and suffering.
Dates: Saturday 13.00-14.30 und 15.30-17.00; Sunday 10.00-12.00
Site: Praxis für Psychische Gesundheit, F. Brigger und P. Germann, Schoffelgasse 7, 8001 Zürich, 4. OG, Lift
Organisation: Bodhi Path and Dhagpo Zürich
Registration: Due to the limited number of places, a definite registration is required. Registration form
Fees: Sa 30.-, So 20.- (+ free donation to the teacher)
Language: Tibetan/Englisch with German translation
Topic: Lodjong Mind Training with Lama Irene
Site: Praxis für Psychische Gesundheit, Fabienne Brigger und Patrick Germann, Schoffelgasse 7, 8001 Zürich, 4. OG, Lift.
Fees: On a voluntary donation basis (Dana) according to Buddhist tradition
Thursday, 30.01.2025, 19.00 up to approx 20.45 (Arrival from 18.30)
Thursday, 13.02.2025, 19.00 up to approx 20.45 (Arrival from 18.30)
Thursday, 03.04.2025, 19.00 up to approx 20.45 (Arrival from 18.30)
Contact registration: Fabienne Brigger:

Literature recommendation
The Path To Awakening: How Buddhism’s Seven Points of Mind Training Can Lead You to a Life of Enlightenment and Happiness by Shamar RinpocheHeart Advice from a Mahamudra Master by Gendun Rinpoche