Activities 2024


22. June 2024

10:00-17:00 (Arrival from 09:30)

Dharma day: Chenrezig and preparation for the Dharma Week
with Jigme Rinpoche (30.8. – 6.9.2024)
Site: Kleiner Gemeindesaal im Gemeindehaus, Alte Landstrasse 250, CH-8708 Männedorf (5min walk from the railway station)
Organised: Dhagpo Switzerland
Information and registration:
Organisation fee: non-members 20 CHF/members 15 CHF

23. June 2024

10:00-17:00 (Arrival from 09:30)

Dharma day: White Tara – Introduction

Site: Kleiner Gemeindesaal im Gemeindehaus, Alte Landstrasse 250, CH-8708 Männedorf (5min walk from the railway station)
Information and registration:
Organisation fee: non-members 25 CHF / members 20 CHF

29. July – 04. August 2024

White Tara – Transmission

with Lama Drubtscho from Dhagpo Möhra

Lama Drubtscho will transmit Jamgon Kongtrul’s commentary on the White Tara practice and give ritual explanations of the sadhana. Lama Irene encourages those who have not yet received a full transmission and would like to participate in White Tara Retreats at Karunahaus to attend. Interested friends can also be notified. The requirement for this course is Buddhist refuge. This could also be requested at the beginning of the course.

Information and registration: |

01. August 2024


The four exercises through which we direct ourselves towards wholesome actions.

Lecture by Lama Walli Dhagpo Marfond

Site: Quartierraum, Bullingerstrasse 9, 8004 Zürich
Organisation fee: CHF 20.00 (For members of Bodhi Path Zürich, CHF 15.00). Please have the money counted and ready.

As the number of participants is limited, registration is required. Registration here.

02. August – 04. August 2024

Weekend retreat course with teachings and guided meditations

with Lama Walli and Lama Chris from Dhagpo Marfond

Topic: How we set emotions in motion, part 2

Site: Schönenberg
Language: German
Participants: 35
Information and registration:

31. August – 06. September 2024

Dharma week with Lama Jigme Rinpoche in Männedorf / Zurich

Site: Grosser Gemeindesaal, Alte Landstrasse 250, CH-8708 Männedorf (5min walk from railway station)
Organisation: Dhagpo Männedorf
Detailed Information

26. October 2024

10.00-16.30 (Arrival from 9.30)

“Glückstag Dhagpo Switzerland”

Site: Raum Kerner im Gemeindehaus, Alte Landstrasse 250, CH-8708 Männedorf (5min walk from railway station)
Organisation: Dhagpo Switzerland
Information and registration:
Organisation fee: non-members 20 CHF / members 15 CHF

08. February 2025

10.00-16.30 (Arrival from 9.30h)

Annual General Meeting of the Dhagpo Switzerland Association

Site: Kleiner Saal im Gemeindehaus, Alte Landstrasse 250, CH-8708 Männedorf (5min walk from railway station)
Organisation: Dhagpo Switzerland
Information and registration:
Organisation fee: non-members 20 CHF / members 15 CHF

Regular activities

Bi-weekly on Tuesday |19h-20h30

Dharma and Meditation Evening (Wabern/Bern)
Meditation Group Berne, Fabienne Berlinger, Andrea and Robert Bürki Urban
Information and registration:

In general every 1st Tuesday of the month | 19h30-21h

Shared practice and study of Lama Jigme Rinpoch’s “Handbook of Ordinary Heroes” (Bülach)
Meditatin Group Bülach, Ruth Hebeisen and Barbara Gugerli
Information and registration:

Zoom activities with Lama Irene

20. June 2024 | 11h30-12h30


Dharma Group

We deepen the chapter of wisdom in the book ‘The Jewel Ornament of Liberation’ by Gampopa combined with meditation and exchange

Zoom Access:
Meeting ID: 981 712 0901
Login Password: 385908
Organised: Freiheitsschritte
Information and registration:

Dhagpo Switzerland on Soundcloud

Here you can listen to recordings of our annual major events in Männedorf and teachings by Lama Irene on “Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation”.

Dhagpo Switzerland on Instagram

Karmapa 2024

Meditation Group Berne

Meditation Group Bülach

Meditation Group Zurich

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